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Volucap at the 5G Day BB and AI Day Brandenburg

We invite you to join us at the 5G Day BB on June 26 and the AI Day on June 27 in Frankfurt (Oder). These events offer a unique platform for exchanging knowledge, ideas, and innovations in the fields of 5G applications and ecosystems, as well as artificial intelligence (AI). The events are aimed at professionals from business, administration, research, and politics who are interested in the latest developments and applications in AI and 5G.

Volucap is excited to be part of these events. On June 26, our CEO, Sven Bliedung von der Heide, will give a talk on “5G vs 4G Volumetric Data”. This presentation will examine the differences between 4G and 5G in volumetric video transmission. It will showcase how 5G enables high-resolution streaming into the Metaverse, offering significant advantages over 4G. Detailed studies have shown that 5G allows for a 20-fold increase in detail and texture resolution. Thanks to innovative network slicing technology, multiple volumetric streams can be streamed in parallel. Discover how 5G lays the foundation for the Metaverse and revolutionizes the future of volumetric data transmission.

On June 27, Sven will delve deeper into the topic “AI and Volumetric Data”. He will showcase how Volucap uses AI to achieve high-resolution volumetric data and how this data can be used for AI training, such as training robots for surgery. He will also demonstrate how Volucap’s volumetric capture technology has been used in Hollywood film productions and to create cinema-quality deepfakes.

We look forward to your participation and an inspiring exchange!

Register here.


For meetings contact: mail@volucap.de

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