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As part of Berlinale 2024, a keynote presentation titled “Applications of AI in the Acting Industry” (DE) by Volucap’s CEO, Sven Bliedung von der Heide, will provide an overview of AI applications in the media, with a focus on the actors’ field. He will showcase what is already achievable and discuss the future for actors who must compete with AI-generated performers. Sven will explain the current technological advancements in the industry and how actors can utilize them to stay competitive.

Following the keynote, Sven will participate in a panel discussion alongside Björn Böhning, Managing Director of the Producers Alliance, Mina Saidze, AI and data expert, Beka Bediana, actor and board member of the Federal Association of Actors, and Anna Kassautzki, Member of the German Bundestag. Together, they will delve into the current landscape of the industry.

The event is organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in collaboration with the Federal Association of Acting (BFFS).

We look forward to engaging in an active discussion!


Date: 21.02.2024

Time: 14:30 – 15:00

Location: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Hiroshimastr. 7, 10785 Berlin (Botschaftsviertel, close to Potsdamer Platz)


For meetings contact: mail@volucap.de


Watch the keynote here.

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