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From Vision to Reality – Germany’s Role in the AI-Driven Media Revolution

The culture and creative industries are on the brink of a major transformation, spurred by the global push towards sustainable and circular economies and the rapid integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into various facets of society, including education. These changes are redefining job roles and creating unprecedented opportunities for innovation and growth.

At the forefront of exploring these dynamic shifts is the upcoming Competence Center for Culture and Creative Industries of the Federal Government Scientific Conference, scheduled for March 19th. The conference promises to delve deep into the evolving landscapes of culture and creativity, focusing on the transformative impact of AI.

A highlight of the event is the impulse by Sven Bliedung von der Heide, CEO of Volucap, titled

“From Vision to Reality – Germany’s Role in the AI-Driven Media Revolution”.

This presentation will shed light on the pivotal role AI plays within the creative industry and introduce the groundbreaking tools that are shaping the future of media and content creation. Sven’s insights are expected to illuminate the pathways through which AI can enhance creativity, streamline production processes, and foster a more integrated approach to content generation.

The conference agenda is loaded with engaging keynotes, interactive panel discussions, hands-on workshops, and numerous networking opportunities. These sessions are designed to spark dialogue, encourage collaboration, and facilitate the exchange of ideas among professionals, scholars, and enthusiasts from across the culture and creative sectors.

Participants are invited to register for this enlightening event at no cost by visiting the official website: Register here.


Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with leading thinkers and innovators at the intersection of culture, creativity, and technology!


For meetings contact: mail@volucap.de

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