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Volucap at VivaTech 2024!

We’re happy to announce that Volucap is joining the forefront of innovation at VivaTech, the epicenter of technological evolution and creativity! This incredible event brings together the brightest startups, visionary tech leaders, influential corporations, and forward-thinking investors, all united to address the grand challenges facing our world today.

At VivaTech, it’s all about accelerating innovation, fostering connections, and sparking transformative ideas that shape the future. And we’re proud to be part of this dynamic ecosystem, showcasing our cutting-edge solutions and engaging with the global tech community.

Stay tuned for more details on where to find us at the event. We can’t wait to connect, collaborate, and contribute to the tech revolution with you!


DATE: 22.05-25.05.2023

PLACE: Porte de Versailles, Paris


For meetings contact: mail@volucap.de

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