Volumetric studio "Volucap" in Potsdam Babelsberg.

Walkable movies and interactive stories are now broadening our reality and bringing completely new forms of storytelling. The viewer can freely move around actors as they dynamically integrate into foreign environments. This requires new methods for the digitization of actors, which now exist for the first time through volumetric recording technology.

Our technology allows people to be captured lifelike in three dimensions.
These hologram-like representations can be processed similar to computer animated models and transferred into real and virtual environments. In addition, viewers can enter these worlds with the help of VR glasses and view the recorded persons or objects from every possible angle.

The Volucap – the first commercially operated volumetric studio on the European mainland shows current productions and offers deep insights into its innovative film technology.

This year, the Volucap was selected as one of the partners of the IBC Future Zone,.The IBC Future Zone brings together the very latest ideas, innovations and concept technologies from international industry and academia, and showcases them in a single specially-curated exhibition area within the IBC Exhibition.


Join us at our Booth (8.F06), look into the future and experience volumetric shots today!