6G NeXt – The 6th generation mobile communications
Volucap is part of the research project within the funding measure “6G industrial projects for research into holistic systems and sub-technologies for 6th generation mobile communications” of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project “6G NeXt” (native extensions for XR technologies) involves nine partners from industry and science. The consortium has set itself the goal of developing an infrastructure that integrates network and software layers. This will enable new speeds in data processing and make it possible to dynamically distribute complex computing tasks to the optimal location (split computing).

HOLOCOM (Holographic Communication): An interactive end-to-end transmission of real-time 3D holographic video with photorealistic content and realistic 3D depth for video conferencing.
This application requires very high bandwidth for up and down streaming of the high bitrate 3D holographic content together with ultra-low latency for enabling interactive and immersive real-time communication. In addition, a distributed and intelligent media processing pipeline for enabling the rendering and playback of photorealistic content on consumer devices by taking advantage of the split rendering capability that will be provided by the underlying 6G infrastructure.
A novel anti-collision system for aviation using the example of drones at airports with mixed air traffic. The flight paths of aircraft are monitored in real time and collision risks are predicted using algorithms. In case of danger, evasive maneuvers are calculated centrally and, unlike today’s solutions, the aircraft are also controlled via 6G. These applications require low latency, synchronization of data streams and the possibility of distributed computation of data (split computing).
Fraunhofer FOKUS’ business unit Future Applications and Media is a key partner in the 6G NeXt consortium and will put its expertise, tools and testbeds in the area 5G, media streaming and real-time communication to research and develop the 6G NeXt infrastructure.
Last year, the BMBF launched the funding measure “6G industrial projects for research into holistic systems and sub-technologies for 6th generation mobile communications” as part of the German 6G research initiative. The 6G initiative is an essential part of the research program on communication systems “Sovereign. Digital. Connected.” In addition to the 6G industry projects, the 6G Initiative includes the four 6G Research Hubs, consisting of research associations of outstanding research institutes and universities, as well as the umbrella project “6G Platform.” Further projects on the resilience of digital systems are being planned. The aim of the measures of the BMBF’s 6G initiative is to strengthen the digital and technological sovereignty of Germany and Europe by developing and helping to shape 6G at an early stage. This key technology will also secure the future competitiveness of Germany and Europe. The associated projects will initially run until fall 2025 and will be used to research the new 6G communications standard, which has yet to be defined. Standardization by the 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) organization is also expected to begin in 2025. First 6G networks are expected to launch in 2030.
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Press department Volucap GmbH: pr@volucap.de